Victorian Beauty and a Historic Home Tour
Some fun tidbits about the Victorian beauty routine, plus and interview with Jacqueline at Oakland House!
A Deeper Lens
A glimpse into the Black Chronicles II exhibit featuring over 200 photographs of black men and women in Victorian Britain.
Victorian Rose: The Story Behind Our 19th Century-Inspired Day Cream
Join Anna for a behind-the-scenes peek at the story behind her Rose Petals Day Cream, inspired by Victorian-era cold cream recipes!
Becoming a Victorian
A special sneak peek into our very first Willow & Birch photo-shoot, and a few things I learned from being a Victorian lady for a day...
Smell the Roses
See why rose is so wonderful for your skin and how you can incorporate it into your beauty routine with easy DIY recipes!
Everyday Beauty
A peek inside the Victorian lady's morning routine, and how we can bring that beauty into our everyday moments today.
A Breath of Fresh Air
A simple and fun recipe to make your own scented room spray to brighten your home and bring the outdoors in!
On the Moors: Inspirations from Emily Brontë's Victorian Classic
A sneak peek into the inspiration behind our popular English Fog scent blend...
Add a Victorian Twist to Your Style
A collection of my favorite fun and simple hairstyle tutorials to add a bit of Victorian flair into your everyday style...
Tools of the Trade: The Victorian Lady's Chatelaine
For the Victorian woman, the chatelaine functioned like a tool belt equipped with a personalized array of useful items for her daily activities...
For the Love of Lavender
Perfume was a crucial element in the Victorian lady’s beauty regimen and lavender was often used to scent everything from soaps and floral waters to cosmetics and hair products...