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A Breath of Fresh Air

With the warm days of spring upon us, I've enjoyed opening the windows and letting in the fresh air to breathe new life into our home. I just love this time of year!

I'd like to help you brighten your home for spring with a cue from the Victorians who loved to infuse the fresh, clean aroma of lavender into their living quarters. Throughout the Victorian period, lavender was used to perfume linens, furniture, and even walls! It was also commonly used in potpourri to freshen rooms and bring a bit of the outdoors into one's home. Queen Victoria was also a great fan of lavender...she even appointed an official purveyor of lavender!

To freshen your home, I'm sharing my recipe to make your own Lavender Breeze scented room spray!

  1. In a spray bottle, mix 3 ounces of vodka with 12 ounces of water.
  2. Add up to 15 drops of Lavender Breeze essential oil blend (or your favorite blend of essential oils).
  3. Stir before each use.

Lavender Linen SprayThis spray is wonderful as a room spray, and for refreshing your bed linens, pillows, mattresses…even your couches and other fabric-covered furniture!

Mix it up! You can make this room spray in all of our Victorian-inspired essential oil blends to suit every space! 

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